WrOpenUp for students

In WrOpenUp we cooperate a lot, we use our knowledge and we put it to practice. Workshops are usually conducted by two trainers, one of them speaks Polish, which means that even if you do not feel comfortable speaking English it is not going to be a problem. Taking part in a contest you have a Chance to utilize the abilities acquired during the workshop.

Cultural competence workshop is aim at shaping and strengthening the attitude of openness to cultural diversity, developing cultural sensitivity, and pointing out the way to creatively utilize the potential of diversity.

–          What is culture and why does it work as a filter for perceiving reality?

–          How to understand foreign cultures?

–          What are biases?

–          How to get rid of stereotypes?

–          Why is diversity so important?

–          How to cooperate with people who come from different cultural backgrounds?

Responsible leadership workshop helps students understand the role of empathetic and responsible leaders. It also  develops practical leadership skills in a practical way.

-What does it mean to be a responsible leader?

– Can I become a leader?

– How to take over initiative and have a real influence on what is going on around me?

– How to motivate others?

Project management:

          How to plan a project which is both creative and doable?

          Who makes decisions concerning the project? What to do when suddenly we lack a team member?

          Is all lost if a week before completing the project we realize that we forgot about something?

          How to carry out the project so it is in line with expectations?

During the workshop you will create a project as a team. The project will have to be created according to the guidelines and needs. You will plan it, tackle surprises and obstacles along the way and at the end you will present the final product. The workshop will be conducted by trainers who work for international companies who will share valuable tips on the subject of projects. The skills acquired during the workshop will be useful during school projects as well as outside of school because probably one day you will have to plan a friend’s birthday party or a career development plan for yourself. Which are also projects, in fact the most important ones.

Presentation skills:

-How to present your topic (and yourself) in an appealing way?

– How to eliminate stress before speaking publicly?

– How to make others listen to you with interest?

– How to plan your presentation in a way that would make the audience understand what you mean?

– How to “sell” your idea?

We are sure that the skill to create an effective and interesting presentation is a key skill in a contemporary world. During the workshop you will work on specifying  the goal of a presentation, suiting it to the audience and the skill to involve the audience. Acquired skills will be useful during the school presentations, matura exam, studies and later at work.

Workshops are conducted in English  with the help of a Polish language assistant and take place in the offices of companies who are the partners of WrOpenUp. The teenage students are signed up to the workshop by their teachers but they are not required to take part in the workshop. A list of names of the workshop participants will be needed a week ahead if the workshop.

Why is it worth getting involved in WrOpenUp?

In your opinion- do you know how to behave in international environments? Do you accept foreign customs, views, traditions and mentalities?

Intercultural competences include openness and respect for boundaries. WrOpenUp allows the students to experience what diversity is and teaches how to cooperate and coexist in a world full of diversity.

Thanks to WrOpenUp:

-You have a chance to get to know interesting people from all over the world and to learn something beyond what you have been taught at school.

– You take part in building an open Wrocław. The workshops are practical, we say “NO” to lectures.

– Practice makes perfect!

– Lectures and lessons are your school responsibilities!

