Responsible leadership
What does it mean to be a responsible leader? Can I become a leader? How to take initiative and have a real impact on what is going on around me? How can I motivate others?
Project management
How to plan a creative and doable project? Who makes the decisions about the project? What should you do when you are suddenly missing a member of a team. Is all lost when a week before the deadline it turns out that we have forgotten about something
Cross-cultural competence workshop
What is culture and why does it serve as a filter through which we can perceive reality? How can we understand other cultures? What are biases? How can we get rid of stereotypes? Why is diversity so valuable? How can we cooperate with people who come from other cultures?
Warsztat kompetencji międzykulturowej
Czym jest kultura i dlaczego pełni rolę filtra w postrzeganiu rzeczywistości? Jak zrozumieć obce kultury? Czym są uprzedzenia? Jak pozbyć się z głowy stereotypów? Dlaczego różnorodność jest taka cenna? Jak współpracować z osobami, które pochodzą z innych kultur?