Child Protection Policy

Child Protection Policy at the WrOpenUp Foundation

I The WrOpenUp Foundation implements the Child and Youth Protection Policy to ensure the safe use of the Foundation’s services, in accordance with the Act of May 13, 2016, on Counteracting Threats of Sexual Crimes.

The WrOpenUp Foundation works for various social groups, guided by principles of respect and trust, with the welfare of children being the priority in all activities concerning them.

According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child is any person under the age of 18, unless local law provides otherwise.

The Foundation promotes the principles of child protection among partners, volunteers, sponsors, and other collaborators.

This Policy covers all activities of the Foundation, including workshops, training sessions, conferences, and educational projects.

Child protection standards must be adhered to by all collaborators.


Forms of child abuse include:

A. Physical Abuse – The child suffers physical harm or is at risk of it due to actions or omissions by a responsible person, which may be one-time or recurring.
B. Psychological Abuse – Chronic harmful interactions between the child and caregiver, including hostility, blaming, rejection, emotional neglect, and inappropriate developmental relationships.
C. Sexual Exploitation – The child is involved in sexual activities they do not understand or cannot consciously consent to, especially in contexts involving power or dependency relationships.
D. Neglect – Failure to meet the child’s basic physical and psychological needs, leading to health or developmental problems.


Principles of Safe Interaction at the WrOpenUp Foundation

  • Student recruitment is conducted through teachers.
  • Volunteers and collaborators must not be alone with children.
  • Workshops are conducted by at least two volunteers and a coordinator from a partner company.
  • In urgent cases, the project coordinator contacts students (with parental consent) via phone, SMS, or messaging apps.
  • Employees and collaborators communicate with children only through official communication channels; private channels are prohibited.
  • Employees and volunteers are obligated to maintain professional relationships with minors, acting and communicating appropriately to the situation, age, and developmental level.
  • Communication with minors should be conducted in a manner that does not embarrass, belittle, or insult them.
  • Employees and volunteers must not shout at a minor; they may raise their voice only when necessary for the protection of the minor’s safety or life.
  • Minors must be clearly informed about the person to whom they can report inappropriate behavior by someone conducting activities on behalf of the
  • Foundation and have the right to expect an appropriate response. This person is the project coordinator or members of the Foundation’s board—reachable at or phone number 606 128 951.
  • Employees and volunteers will inform minors about ways to report situations in which they feel uncomfortable.
  • Employees and volunteers are obligated to listen to the minor or direct them to someone they can talk to for assistance or to address inappropriate behavior.
  • The Board and project coordinators of the WrOpenUp Foundation, when organizing an event (e.g., meeting, training, workshop) for children and youth, must verify whether the person conducting it is listed in the Register of Sexual Offenders maintained by the competent minister before allowing them to lead the event.
  • The person who is to conduct the event must provide the Foundation or its collaborating entity with a certificate from the National Criminal Register regarding offenses specified in Chapters XIX and XXV of the Penal Code, in Articles 189a and 207 of the Penal Code, and in the Act of July 29, 2005, on Counteracting Drug Addiction, or corresponding prohibited acts defined in foreign laws. If obtaining such a certificate is impossible or significantly difficult, the provisions of Article 21 of the Act on Counteracting Threats of Sexual Crimes and Protection of Minors apply.
    If it is confirmed that the person is not listed in the register, the event organizer makes a note of the absence, which is then signed.
  • If it is confirmed that the person is listed in the Register, the organizer must not enter into any agreement with them that would involve any contact with children and youth in events organized by the WrOpenUp Foundation.

The following behaviors towards children are prohibited:

  • Actions that humiliate, demean, or involve physical, psychological, or sexual violence.
  • Providing children with alcohol, medications, or psychoactive substances.
    Participation in activities that are illegal.
  • Establishing sexual relationships with children and engaging in sexually provocative behaviors.
  • Sleeping in the same room with a child and traveling alone with a child without a guardian (except for group trips).
  • Any physical contact must be related to natural workshop activities or games.

The Board of the Foundation is responsible for fulfilling the obligations specified in this section of the Child and Youth Protection Policy and may authorize an employee or collaborator of the Foundation to do so.

The Foundation takes action in cases of suspected child abuse or threats to their health and life.

In case of suspicion of abuse, employees and volunteers are obligated to prepare an official report and inform the Foundation’s Board. The transfer of the child’s data must comply with GDPR and respect confidentiality principles.

The employee or collaborator who first becomes aware of the threat must notify the appropriate authorities and then complete an intervention form.

Information about child abuse is confidential, except when shared with appropriate institutions during an intervention.

If the report concerns an employee or volunteer, they will be suspended from contact with children until the matter is resolved.

The Child Protection Policy comes into effect on August 15, 2024.

The Board of the WrOpenUp Foundation is responsible for supervising the implementation and application of the Child Protection Policy.

In matters not regulated by this Policy, the provisions of generally applicable law apply, particularly the Act of May 13, 2016, on Counteracting Threats of Sexual Crimes and Protection of Minors (Journal of Laws of 2024, item 560).

Currently available in Polish language
